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About Us

Who we Are

Our Mission and Vision

Our Vision: To be the leading catalyst and driving force behind the transformation of Kenya's social enterprise sector, fostering a dynamic ecosystem of innovative and sustainable enterprises that serve as powerful agents of positive societal change.

Mission statement: Strengthening the social enterprise sector in Kenya through advocacy, research, networking opportunities and capacity building.

Our Activities: They include increasing our member’s visibility, creating netwoking opportunities, capacity building, policy advocacy and social enterpreneurship research.

Our Partners

Training and Advisory

SEK empowers entrepreneurs through a comprehensive range of training

Practitioner-Led Training

Experienced social entrepreneurs design and deliver training, ensuring real-world relevance. We partner with Tangaza University's IST to add academic rigour (online & in-person).

Building Capacity & Policy Advocacy

Working with MSEA, Social Enterprise Kenya shapes a Kenya-specific social enterprise policy addressing the lack of a clear legal framework, driven by the needs of social enterprises themselves.

Fostering Collaboration

As a founding member of the Network of Africa Social Entrepreneurs (Kenya, Ghana, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast), Social Enterprise Kenya fosters cross-border knowledge exchange and solutions to regional social enterprise challenges.

Knowledge Sharing

Social Enterprise Kenya uses campaigns and an online resource hub to increase public understanding of social entrepreneurship, attracting potential customers, investors, and partners.